4 Android Apps that Can Help You Lose Weight

4 Android Apps that Can Help You Lose Weight


Losing weight and staying healthy can be quite the challenge, especially when you have to keep track of your calorie intake, how many carbs and fats are in your food, and even your workout schedule. Luckily, we live in an era of many technological advances such as smartphones, and tablets that have a myriad of useful apps; so why not use this technology to help you lose weight?
In this article, I will list four Android apps that can help you lose weight and stay healthy.
Noom Weight Loss Coach One of the more popular weight loss apps out there, Noom Weight Loss Coach has a plethora of handy features to help you lose weight.
With Noom Weight Loss Coach, you can create a personalized weight loss plan, log all your food with a color-coded system, keep track of your calorie intake, and much more. You can even set up schedules and tasks to help you stay on track and lose weight.
You can get Noom Weight Loss Coach free from the Google Play store.
MyFitnessPal Another free app you can get from the Google Play Store, MyFitnessPal is an incredibly simple and easy to use calorie counter for Android. MyFitnessPal allows you to quickly log your calorie intake and helps you keep track of what you have been eating. You can also log your exercise and it will calculate how many calories you have burned.
When entering in your foods eaten and calorie intake you can either choose from over 2 million different foods in the database, or manually enter in your own. MyFitnessPal will also record and save foods you frequently eat, including whole meals.
Fast Food Nutri. & Weight Loss The perfect app for anyone that eats out a lot, Fast Food Nutri. & Weight Loss tells you the calorie amount and nutritional info of foods from over 300 different restaurants.
Normally when you eat out while on a diet you would either have to estimate how many calories are in the food at a restaurant, or look it up later when you get home and most likely find out it was a lot more than you had hoped. Fast Food Nutri. & Weight Loss lets you look up the nutritional info first before you order so you can still eat out and stay under your calorie budget.
You can purchase Fast Food Nutri. & Weight Loss for $2.99 from the Google Play Store.
BMI Calculator This app is about as simple as they get. BMI Calculator does exactly what its name implies: it calculates your Body Mass Index (BMI) to give you an idea of how much body fat you have. You also get a Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) calculator with it as well.
BMI Calculator is very accurate and supports both the metric and imperial systems.
You can get BMI Calculator free from the Google Play Store.

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