Samsung Keeps Pressure On Apple With Mini S4

Samsung Keeps Pressure On Apple With Mini S4

Picture illustration of Samsung Electronics' Galaxy S4 and Apple's iPhone 5 taken in Seoul

Samsung has unveiled a slimmed down version of its flagship smartphone, as the company moves to beat rival Apple into the mid-range phone market.

The Galaxy S4 Mini weighs 107 grams and has a 8-mega pixel rear-facing camera.

It also boasts a 4.3-inch screen which is still bigger than Apple’s 4-inch iPhone 5.

The unveiling of the device follows the debut of the original S4, which has a 5-inch full high-definition screen and a 13-mega pixel camera, just a month ago.

S4 sales hit the 10-million mark last week to make it Samsung’s fastest selling smartphone.

In the first month on sale the S4 was sold globally at the rate of 224 a minute.

“We want to give people more choices with the Galaxy S4 mini – a similar look and feel to the Galaxy S4 but for more compact and practical usage,” Samsung IT and mobile communication division head JK Shin said.

The S4 Mini’s release follows a pattern for the company of releasing variations of its top phones at different price points in order to target budget-conscious customers, though Samsung has not yet announced its price or launch date.

The launch comes ahead of the widely speculated low-priced iPhone later this year.

Samsung, the world’s top smartphone maker, looks to widen its lead with products at both ends of the market.

Equipped with a 1.7GHz dual core processor, the Mini also boasts a 1.9-megapixel HD front-facing camera.

The world’s top handset maker hopes the S4 will expand its presence in high-end markets in the US and elsewhere, crowding out archrival Apple and its iconic iPhone.

Samsung is also expected to unveil more varieties of the S4 in the upcoming mobile event in London next month, including a model with optical camera zoom functionality as well as a phone with water-proof features.

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