How to protect your pendrive from autorun.inf virus

Has this ever happened to you. You have been infected by autorun.inf. If your answer is no, then you are lucky. The most common viruses out there. For a pendrive infected every device that connects to your external drive. You plug in a pendrive autorun.inf an infected system is automatically written to your pendrive. From there it is transferred to every device you plug in your device.

You would not necessarily know or are not infected system to plugin your pendrive . So how stupid your pendrive evidence of this dangerous virus . It is a virus removal tool does not remember anything . You bought a new pendrive and autorun want to protect against . Is Inf . Here are the steps . The same technique on other external devices such as hard drives and memory cards works .

•Create a new folder in pendrive.
•Rename the newly created folder as autorun.inf.
•Right click on the folder and click on properties.
•Mark the folder as read only and save the changes.

That’s why you need to protect your device from dangerous viruses. Here the technique is easy to use. Windows wont allow two files with the same name. Your device tries to write autorun.inf on the infected system so it wont work. As the file is read, it can not be changed by either the infected system. If you are completely protected from autorun.inf virus.

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