Microsoft coughs on Windows 8.1 Outlook tablet update

Microsoft coughs on Windows 8.1 Outlook tablet update

SOFTWARE REDEVELOPER Microsoft will bring its Outlook 2013 to Windows RT tablets and other Windows 8 tablets as part of its Windows 8.1 service pack.
The firm hopefully insisted that the Windows ARM combination is a winner and that businesses will love to indulge their email whims on shiny, ARM based Windows RT devices.
In a blog post, Microsoft senior marketing manager Chris Schneider said that the new Outlook is more streamlined and all that jazz, and will appeal to people that have a Microsoft Surface RT tablet or other tablet running Windows.
“Outlook 2013 RT will be available on Windows RT tablets as part of the free Windows 8.1 update coming later this year,” he said.
“This means that if you have a Microsoft Surface [RT] or a Windows RT tablet made by one of our hardware partners, or you are planning to buy one, you’ll soon have access to the familiar tools in Outlook that help you communicate with others, manage your contacts and appointments, and find information fast.”
These improvements are not just down to the use of ARM architecture, but also due to the large ear that Microsoft apparently turns towards its users.
Schneider said, “People want the power of Outlook on all their Windows PCs and tablets,” adding that the web based Microsoft email client will join other Microsoft Office desktop favourites Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Onenote.
Users should not expect the Outlook that they have come to know, and according to the blog post they will get a “streamlined user experience” with reduced clutter designed with touch in mind.
In another blog post Microsoft communications manager Brandon Leblanc said that along with the Surface RT, other Windows tablets such as the Dell XPS 10, Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 11, and Asus Vivotab RT will get Outlook, along with other future hardware.
The public preview of Windows 8.1 will be released from 26 June

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