Launches on Tizen with Standard Look and Feel

Launches on Tizen with Standard Look and Feel

Ten days after we said Hello to the world, we’re happy to announce Qt for Tizen 1.0 Alpha 1 release containing a mobile-optimized, cross-platform application and user interface development framework.
Qt for Tizen is a common name for two products:
Qt framework for Tizen, currently based on Qt 5.1 beta, works with Tizen Emulator. Thanks to exceptional cross-platform nature of Qt most of the work was related to configuring and building the binaries. Qt Creator SDK can be already used for developing new applications and porting existing ones.
Qt Tizen Integration, now introducing basic set of native controls with default look and feel of Tizen mobile profile. All these controls are based on cross platform API of Qt Quick Controls Style introduced in Qt 5.1.
Detailed changes
Qt framework for Tizen: Added build tools for Tizen emulator (with Tizen emulator device Qt mkspecs). The build tools have been prepared with Linux workstations in mind and have been tested with Tizen 2.1 beta. While QWidget APIs are fully supported, Qt Quick graphical stack is recommended as it is optimized for touch interfaces of smartphones and provides Tizen’s look and feel out of the box.
Qt Tizen Integration: Basic Qt Quick Controls with Tizen Style: Button, Progress, Slider, CheckBox, TabBar. Currently handled is white theme and 720×1280 resolution, however Qt Quick Controls for Tizen are already technically prepared for multiple themes and resolutions

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