LDAP Authentication using SSL
Add your SSL certificate into Java keystore Java support the certificate management utility keytool to handle certificates into your keystore.For import a certificate, you need to specify three arguments :
Add your SSL certificate into Java keystore Java support the certificate management utility keytool to handle certificates into your keystore.For import a certificate, you need to specify three arguments :
$ java helloworldError: Could not find or load main class helloworld Reason 1 – Made a mistake with the classname argument a simple class name: java ListUser
To assign a TCP/IP port number to the SQL Server Database Engine follow the steps below: STEP 1: Open the SQL Server Management Studio and login to your Database locally.
This solution does not need to drop any tables or no need to change any user permission. just two line of code and then you will able to login into … Read More
Sometimes when you take a file from a DOS/Windows system and move it to a Linux or Unix system you will get bash /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or … Read More
Here i am going to discuss about how to solve problem AndroidEclipse PANIC Could not open . Sometime when we are tring to run Android Eclipse,then we get the following error
How to take a screenshot on the Nokia Lumia 920 (or any Windows Phone) Just like Android before it Windows Phone did not support easy screenshot capture when it was … Read More
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