System Optimization in windows7

System Optimization in windows7

    • Use MSCONFIG to change/remove startup items

– Click Start, type ‘msconfig’ and press Enter. Click on the ‘Startup’ tab. Uncheck those items that you believe to be unecessary. Click OK when done. Do this every so often.

  • Use RESMON to show which processes are hogging the most system resources


– Click Start, type ‘resmon’ and press Enter. This will launch the Windows 7 Resource Monitor. You can browse the CPU, Memory, Disk or Network tabs. CPU view is somewhat improved. For example, if one of your program has locked up, you can now right-click its name in the list and select ‘Analyze Process’. Windows will then try to tell you why it’s stuck. The program might be waiting for another process, which could give you the information you need to better diagnoze/fix the problem.

  • Windows can automatically color calibrate your monitor/screen


– Windows 7 provides a Display Color Calibration Wizard that helps you properly set up your brightness, contrast and color settings, and a ClearType tuner to ensure text is crisp and sharp. Click Start, type ‘DCCW’ and press Enter.

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