Debug your phone with these hidden Android secret codes

Debug your phone with these hidden Android secret codes

If your Android device is acting up or you just want to delve deep into the system with some cool secret codes, this list is for you.
The Redmond Pie has compiled a handy list of many secret codes common to the Android platform. The codes are “backdoors” that access more information on the device or perform particular functions. Enter them in the phone dialer to initiate them.
Note that many of these may be manufacturer-specific, so they might not work with all devices, and, as always, proceed carefully (use at your own risk).
Here are some of the most useful ones (you can find many more on the Redmond Pie blog post linked above):
  • *#*#4636#*#* – Phone information, usage statistics and battery
  • *#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* – Immediate backup of all media files
  • *#9090# – Diagnostic configuration
  • *2767*3855# – Format device to factory state (will delete everything on phone)
  • *#*#232339#*#* – Wireless LAN tests
  • *#*#2664#*#* – Test the touchscreen
  • *#0*# – Enter the service menu on newer phones like Galaxy S III
Another “secret code” I’ve used in the past is to dial *#*#checkin#*#* (replace the letters with their numbers) to force your Android device to check for a system update.


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